Garry Saini

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Garry Saini

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Showing posts with label Chandigarh Traveling Experience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chandigarh Traveling Experience. Show all posts
  • How's My Experience in Chandigarh Travelling | Chandigarh The City Beautiful | Garry Saini

    Chandigarh Travel Experience

    Acclaimed to be the first planned city of India, Chandigarh is renowned for its urban design and architecture. Due to its pleasantness, the place successfully wins the hearts of all the generations. Being a hub of several activities, Chandigarh offers a number of sightseeing places and tourist attractions that are suitable for travellers of all kind. Right from nature to art and culture, from nightlife to shopping, the popular tourism destination assures you the best holiday experience. A visit to Chandigarh is sure to flatter one with its ambience and vibrant culture of both traditional Punjab as well as modernity. For tourists planning to visit Chandigarh anytime soon, the travel guide will let one know what all is to be covered when holidaying in the ‘city beautiful.’

    Chandigarh Hotel  - Garry Saini


    A trip to Chandigarh can be planned during the winter season between October and March when the weather is enjoyable for exploring a myriad of tourist attractions and favourable for city and sightseeing tour.


    Chandigarh Image - Garry Saini

    For nightlife, sightseeing tour, shopping, authentic Punjabi cuisine, festivals, architecture and design. A Union Territory of India and capital of two Indian States- Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh is nestled near the Shivalik Foothills in northwest India. Often called the City Beautiful or the Garden City, Chandigarh grabs the attention of the tourists with its urban design, fine architecture and vibrant culture that has a mixture of Punjabi as well as modern tradition. The city opens its door with a number of places to see and things to do that makes the tourists spoilt for choice.

    Thank You 


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